Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pepper Experiment

Remember those peppers I had no idea what to do with? Well, I experimented with them the other night. They were so ripe and colorful I couldn't be bothered to troll the internet looking for a recipe.

I diced them up and let them sweat down a bit first.

Then I mixed them with some jarred tomato sauce I had and let them percolate a bit together.

Then I put it all into a pot and hit it with a stick blender until it was fairly well blended.

and THEN it went onto some pizza dough. One I sprinkled some bacon on, the other I put just some cheese on. Truth be told I could skip the cheese all together and just have bread and sauce.

Marc fried up some chicken, artichoke hearts and bacon to put on his.

And we had some cute little pizzas for dinner. 

Since I've sworn off frozen pizza and ordering pizza, this seemed like a much healthier way to satiate by desire for it. The peppers added a nice sweat taste to the sauce without seeming overpowering. Plus,a gain, super easy to do a vegetarian style of this - vegan probably harder since I'm not sure what you would swap the egg in the dough out with. Anyone know?

I have one more set of the three peppers to do something with. I'm thinking salsa. 

It's been a rough week at work, but I did manage to finish early one day and go for a walk with Vince. I put him in an ergo-styled carrier and wore him for our walk. I figure the extra 15 pounds would do my legs good and he would be able to cuddle up next to me.

Any great experiments in your kitchen? 

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