Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Florida Festivals

Nearly every festival (with the exception of local & state fairs) is named after a fruit in Florida. The biggest is the Strawberry Festival that occurs every February and runs into March. There are blueberries and tomatoes in May, watermelon in June, mango in July, Vegetable festivals kick off in the fall. January, however, has the Kumquat Festival in Dade City. We went up there, more for kicks than anything else.

 We sampled a piece of Kumquat Pie – our first taste of kumquats to be honest. It was delicious. It was a lovely mixing of orange flavor and cream. It wasn't an overpowering flavor, but it was strong.

It was a neat little fruit to try. It's sweet and tart and orangey, but not quite the same as your regular orange. I'll be looking for it in the future to try and cook with. We bought some salsa that was made with it too. Perhaps that might be a topping for a chicken dish in the near future.

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