We're headed off to California this weekend. Marc's cousin will be getting married so we are flying out there to be part of the celebration. I'm really looking forward to the trip. 1) I soooo need a vacation. 2) His cousins are awesome. 3) I haven't really been to California (flying through LAX doesn't count in my book) 4) I'm incredibly intrigued on what the food selection will be for the wedding. We had the option of chicken or vegetarian. We both chose the chicken. Perhaps we should have each gotten one and then swapped mid-way through.
According to the website for the location, most of the food is organic and locally grown. Now I'm not one of the, "Must go organic because it is awesomezor," however I appreciate that the organic food I've previously had is very flavorful and with a good aroma. If it's organic and competitively priced, I'll go for it. If it's significantly more expensive, or requires excessive amounts of energy on my behalf, I won't do it.
I intend to take pictures of our yummies, and hopefully continue to stick to our diets during this treacherous time that will surely require some Starbucks along the way. :)
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