Monday, August 23, 2010

Fruit Bonanza!

Mmm dinner. We've started using an app on our iPhones to help us journal are foods and calorie count. Well, I am pleased to report that even after dinner at Chik-fil-A to satisfy a long inner craving, we are both still under our daily budget. We even ordered unsalted fries! 

After dinner, we went to the local supermarket (read: Publix) and picked up some stuff for our lunches during the week. We had run out of deli meat so we picked more up. We have distinctly learned that I do not like Provolone cheese on its own. In fact, Marc informs me that I made a face that could have resembled a small child's dislike for a food. 

More importantly, we hit up the produce section. I have always loved vegetables, but fruits were iffy. Our palates expand. 

We picked up some bananas for me. I prefer mine a bit on the green side so that when I get to eating them, they are still firm and yellow. I dislike brown spots. My remaining Fiji Apples sits in the middle.

We also picked up some Dinosaur Eggs and Flavor Grenades. Thanks to the wonders of genetic food engineering, these are also known as "Pluots" or a cross between a plum and an apricot. There are varying varieties that are generally available in the summer/early autumn months. Marc describes them as a juicy, sweet plum. When they ripen it is "juice surrounded by skin. Almost like a water balloon. You bite into it and it goes kerr-splash all over you." I think this is his way of warning you that you might want a napkin nearby if it's on the super ripe side.

Flavor Grenades

Dinosaur Eggs

The Dinosaur Eggs even have a picture of a dinosaur on them. I tried to get a good picture of it, but the lighting wasn't the best and I didn't feel like fumbling with the settings. 

And, just in case you are curious about these pluot things, and their varieties, you can read a condensed version here:

Once we got home, we started prepping dinner for tomorrow. We are making Chicken Pot Pie from scratch. We are attempting to write down the recipe, as we generally eye ball it. This dish, sadly, is more time consuming and has more steps than the curry, however, the taste is phenomenal. Plus it feeds more people, and re-heats super well! Look out for more pictures and a recipe soon.

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